Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. I’m so disgusted. I have an uncle who abused his own daughter and other family members who were ministers didn’t report him once they knew. When they found out, the uncle was still serving as a deacon. And yet, silence. He’s dead now, but it still angers me. As a survivor of abuse, the reality is, women and children don’t matter to the Church. Only in words, rarely in actions. Beware of the millstone, I say.

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Goodness. What a profound betrayal - Amy - both for the survivor of abuse and the family silence. And whew, yes. Jesus had strong words for those who injure the vulnerable and put stumbling blocks to faith. Mercy.

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Your writing and witness on this are so good and inspire me. Thank you so much.

This, especially, is just 🔥: “When churches—when Christians who make up those churches—instead act as though the passing of time somehow gives us a made-up spiritual statute of limitations, as though evils done in the 90s or before no longer matter, we fail our brothers and sisters, we ignore members of our own Body crying out in pain, and we participate in a lie.”

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Thank you for reading, Abram!

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This was excellent. Thank you.

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You are very welcome! ❤️‍🩹

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Bless you, Marissa. In the face of so. many. scandals. one after another, it is largely because of voices like yours that Christianity is still credible to me.

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It means so much to me to hear this, Elizabeth. I feel this tension too and find great comfort in the fact that Jesus looked down upon Jerusalem, the embodiment of his people, and wept at their faithlessness. Trusting he will gather us all home somehow.

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Thank you for this much-needed witness and clarity.

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You are so very welcome.

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